Listing Policy

As a User, you may create Listings (Ad, Real Estate Ad, Real Estate, Property, Property Ad). To create a Listing, you will be asked a variety of questions about the real estate (property, building, land and other) to be listed, including, but not limited to, the location, capacity, size, features, availability, pricing and related rules and financial terms. In order to be featured in Listings via the Site, Application and Services, all Properties must have valid physical addresses. Listings will be made publicly available via the Site, Application and Services. You understand and agree that the placement or ranking of Listings in search results may depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to Users (Guest, Host, Buyer's, Rental) preferences, ratings and/or ease of booking. 
Other Users will be able to contact you via the Site, Application and Services based upon the information provided in your Listing, your Listing requirements, and Listings search parameters and preferences.
You acknowledge and agree that you alone are responsible for any and all Listings and User Content you post. Accordingly, you represent and warrant that any Listing you post (i) will not breach any agreements you have entered into with any third parties, such as home owners association, condominium, lease, rental or other such agreements, and (ii) will (a) be in compliance with all applicable laws (such as zoning laws and laws governing rentals of residential and other properties), Tax requirements, Intellectual Property laws, and rules and regulations that may apply to any Listing you post (including having all required permits, licenses and registrations), and (b) not conflict with the rights of third parties. Please note that FindYooour assumes no responsibility for a User's compliance with any agreements with or duties to third parties, applicable laws, rules and regulations. FindYooour reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to remove or disable access to any Listing for any reason, including Listings that FindYooour, in its sole discretion, considers to be objectionable for any reason, in violation of these Terms or FindYooour.
If you have one or more Listing, you understand and agree that FindYooour does not act as an insurer or as your contracting agent. If a Guest requests a booking of your Accommodation and stays at your Accommodation, any agreement you enter into with such Guest is between you and the Guest and FindYooour is not a party to it.
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