Marketing 4 Agents

Real Estate Agent

About flyers and mini ads

The first big mistake:
Don’t start with YOUR name or the name of the firm; leave these to the bottom of the page or message.
What should you start with, then?
With a question, raise their interest, but let it slide away, don’t give a straight answer!
For example:
"Have you lived in a condo your entire life and now you’d like to move into a house to start a family? If you don’t know what to expect, if you’re lost then visit our website, where we help you with free information!"
… Or …
"Send us back this flyer with your address and we’ll mail you our brochure"
The main point is not to advertise yourself, but the free materials you offer, or you can propose a free consultation or a free property evaluation, anything to make the client feel that they have no obligations at all. The best way is to give a “present” because everybody likes that and it’s a great way to raise people’s interest!
The best ads are the ones you can see on TV-shop. Why? Because they’re created in the best way, and I’m not talking about the way they try to force the products, but about the structure of the commercial:
1 - They highlight the problem (the house is dirty)

2 - They keep on exciting the viewer
You don’t have time to clean the house!?
Are you tired?

3 - They offer a solution (here is this mop, vacuum cleaner)

4 - It costs only this much

5 - More than that, you even get a present

6…. and the contact details + an urge to take action (call now 800-xxx-xxxx)
Do your ads look like this? Next time you post an ad, try it out and tell me about how successful it was!


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