Marketing 4 Agents

Real Estate Agent

​Using this Marketing Tool, Your Success Is Guaranteed

This is your company’s big test: are you advertising just empty promises or you’re willing to guarantee the things you claim about your company?
During the 1830s, Cyrus H. McCormick, an inventor, desperate because of the lack of success, did something that can help your company a great deal nowadays.
His invention, the first reaper machines, was able to increase the productivity of the farmers tenfold in a blink of an eye, still in the first 9 years he wasn’t able to sell even one of them.
Another proof that it’s not enough to be good, it’s not enough to be revolutionary, you still need marketing!
And McCormick did exactly that: he supplemented his advertising with a payback guarantee. His business instantly started to thrive and McCormick became one of his time’s most wealthy businessmen.
Your business can also be boosted by a strong and bold guarantee.
More precisely it can offer your business the followings advantages:
1) It highlights your company among the many similar competitors
2) It minimises the lack of trust preceding the buying and suddenly more people will spend their money at Your company this way, people that wouldn’t have bought from you otherwise.
3) It improves your brand name and people will consider your company more reliable than your competitors’, increasing your turnover even more this way.

What’s your sign: lion or … bunny?
In spite that a strong guarantee provides such advantages, most managers are firmly against it. The most common excuse is that there are already legal guarantees for what he’s selling.
The only thing he’s not considering is that his competitor offers the exact same legal guarantee, and as a result this doesn’t help the least bit the client to find a reason for which to buy from them and not their competition.
The other frequent excuse is that if they have a strong guarantee – God forbid a payback guarantee without any conditions – then many people would take advantage of it.
I don’t want to delude you: there will surely be people who will take advantage. And this is not fair and it appalls every businessman. But in return, the number of those you gain by offering the guarantee is WAY bigger than of those who take advantage of your guarantee.
If you think about it, it’s all just math: a little loss in exchange for a way bigger extra profit.
The question is this: what’s more important to You, your ego or to have a more successful business? Because your ego, your pride will be bothered by those few people who’ll take advantage of your guarantee, but if you can overcome that, a strong guarantee may be precisely Your tool.


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