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Is there an age limit in real estate? - Heck, no!! How many careers can say that? You certainly can't be a professional athlete and not have a pretty young...

"The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket" -- Andrew Carnegie, Industrialist

What should we call luxury home buyers? Rich, affluent, well-heeled or upscale? Who is buying luxury real estate? Royalty, trust funders, stock-option kids or Chinese citizens? What are characteristics of luxury buyers?...

In an effort to save money, many people forego listing their property with a Realtor® and instead elect to sell it themselves. This can not only be dangerous, but could...

"All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea." -- Napoleon Hill, author

FSBO ( For Sale By Owner) is a term used to describe a home, or real estate property that is being listed for sale by it’s owner. For Colby Sambrotto, it’s more than just selling...

“Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful” Do you have an amazing piece of property to rent out or sell? Then let “” do your work, while...

Source: "Despite all the controversy around syndication, every day brokers and agents choose to send their listings to Zillow, Trulia, and other third-party portals for two main reasons:...

Profitable Options You Can Adopt To Earn in the Property Market If you thought you couldn't play in the property market for lack of sufficient capital, we've got good news for you....

… How to rethink the potentials of your company so that you could present it in the most appealing way to your clients? What would you like your target market...

What feature of your company or product are you advertising? Is good quality? That is the fastest, the cheapest, that it allows the client to save the most money in...

"Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used." -- Richard Byrd, Explorer #DailyQuote #Inspitration #InspirationlDailyQuote #YooourDailyQuote

"The person who would like to make his dreams come true MUST STAY AWAKE." -- Richard Wheeler, Rotarian

San Francisco's rental prices may outdo New York City's, but a new report by major international bank UBS says that New York City is now the most expensive city in the world to...

What would it take for you to agree to do the following: Appear on national TV, engage in apparent illegal, unethical and deceptive behavior, and present yourself as motivated by greed,...

Each month the Real Estate articles here on Google+ seem to dig a little deeper and continue to shine with a lot of well written and entertaining articles by Real...

Things to Leave Behind When Moving Moving to a new home in a new city can be overwhelming and bittersweet. You are leaving behind potentially years of memories, friends and family,...

Keep the low ball home offer in your corner pocket. There is nothing wrong with getting a deal when wanting to purchase something. In fact many business are set up...

"If I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the trait of persistence." --

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